Canadians tolerate white racism against blacks, even in Toronto.

Reactions to racism not as strong as we think, study finds:

While most people believe they would not tolerate a racist act, a new study from Canadian and U.S. researchers found test subjects in an experiment reacted with indifference when exposed to one.

Researchers in Toronto recruited 120 non-black York University students for what they said was a psychology study. Half of the students were each put in a room with two actors — one white and one black — posing as other participants.

The black actor then left the room to retrieve a cellphone, lightly bumping the other actor on the way out. The white actor then responded in one of three ways, saying nothing, saying the phrase “I hate when black people do that” or uttering an offensive racial slur.

When the black actor returned, study participants were asked to fill out a questionnaire rating their emotional mood and then were asked to choose a partner for what they thought was the actual test.

The researchers found that in cases where the white actor made a racist comment, participants did not speak out, did not report any emotional distress and actually chose the white actor as a partner more often than the black actor.

These results stood in stark contrast to a second group of respondents who were asked who they would choose as a partner after having the situation described to them. These respondents overwhelmingly chose not to work with the white actor when a racist statement was uttered.

(Emphasis mine. Note that the second group is a randomly-separated control group, which is why the comparison is valid.)

Canadians are generally more liberal than Americans. Torontonians are generally more left-wing than the average Canadian. University students are generally more left-wing than people who are not university students. However, these university students from Toronto, Canada prefer to partner up with a white person after she/he made a racist remark.

Of course, this particular demographic is not more prone to tolerating racism than other groups. However, Canada is not a anti-racist sanctuary like many Canadians like to believe, and neither is Toronto. Racism is still a problem in Toronto, Canada, and merely stating that you are against racism is not enough.

77 Responses to “Canadians tolerate white racism against blacks, even in Toronto.”

  1. jwbe Says:

    odd. With students I assume they are 18 or somewhat older and therefore should already know whether they act against racism or not.

  2. Restructure! Says:

    I’ve never heard anyone in Toronto say anything overtly racist like that in real life. It’s understandable that the students don’t know whether they act against racism or not, because that kind of thing normally doesn’t happen here.

    Even to me, a white guy saying something like that in Toronto strikes me as a “laboratory situation”.

    I assumed that being overtly racist like that here would cause you to be socially punished somehow, but apparently not.

  3. jwbe Says:

    >I’ve never heard anyone in Toronto say anything overtly racist like that in real life. It’s understandable that the students don’t know whether they act against racism or not, because that kind of thing normally doesn’t happen here.

    I didn’t talk about ‘political correctness’. Most whites know, which terms are racist or not, therefore many will talk differently to PoC than to white people, where they feel safe because they believe that the same skin-color also shares the same belief-system.
    Behind ‘closed doors’ every white would be able to listen to much more racism than being a witness of overtly racist comments directed towards PoC.
    I won’t believe such students that they were never witnesses of racism, expressed while there wasn’t any PoC around.

  4. Restructure! Says:

    That’s true, but I think many of these “non-black” students included PoC, given York University’s demographics.

    But still, it’s hard for me to think that white people in Toronto would use the n-word. I would think that maybe I would hear anti-black slurs, since there have been many cases where white people talked amongst themselves as if I didn’t understand English.

  5. jwbe Says:

    most made the choice to ignore the racism + working together with the white person, therefore I personally draw the conclusion that at least some are ‘used to’ racism and also see exactly nothing wrong with it.
    They might also display their personal biases towards Black people when they still prefer somebody white to somebody Black. A person who is biased will probably not have the desire to create the ‘uncomfortable’ situation to challenge racism when there is a way (no other witnesses for example) to avoid it. Challenging the white person would probably also mean ‘dialogue’ or discussion, I also don’t know the situation for a non-Black PoC challenging a white person face to face.
    And that people tell something entirely different when they don’t have to prove otherwise is nothing new, many just lie, because they know what the expected reaction would be.

  6. Restructure! Says:

    Ugh, the Toronto Star has a version of this story, but commenters are complaining that the study itself is racist, complaining the study is racist against whites, complaining that the study is “offensive”, defending white people with mental gymnastics, saying that the study should be “discredited”, is “bad science” and has “bad research methodology” for no reason (other than that they disagree with the conclusions).

    Ironically, this article explicitly says that the study participants were “white or Asian”, but unsurprisingly, the commenters thought that the study was designed to make white people look bad.

    What is amazing, however, is that a commenter that is educated in the concept of white privilege tries to defend white people using her knowledge of unequal power relations:

    We all may have equal opportunity to racially discriminate against each other, but on uneven ground participation cannot be exercised in equivalent ways. We need to consider the wider context – we live in a in a world where we naturalize patriarchal heteronormative relations that additionally (at this point in time — there is nothing natural and inevitable about it) privileges white skin. So we could only reasonably consider the reverse of the situation if we lived in a non-hierarchical social context. Annette Bickford

  7. jwbe Says:

    I think that this study isn’t very effective. Are people silent because of racism or because people tend to be silent. With that I mean, that within our society solidarity or support isn’t truly valued. There are sometimes tests/experiments in Germany, for example a fake car accident and whether people stop and help or not. In most cases people would die despite the fact that a simple call with the mobile phone could save a life, because most people look and make the decision to do nothing.
    This isn’t any excuse but I think that the attitude of “I hear nothing, see nothing, say nothing” is very widespread and that ‘civil-courage’ is a skill which has to be learned. Also in Germany there was once a case where a woman was raped in public on a market place at lunch time. Exactly nobody helped.

  8. Lxy Says:

    We all may have equal opportunity to racially discriminate against each other, but on uneven ground participation cannot be exercised in equivalent ways. We need to consider the wider context – we live in a in a world where we naturalize patriarchal heteronormative relations that additionally (at this point in time — there is nothing natural and inevitable about it) privileges white skin. So we could only reasonably consider the reverse of the situation if we lived in a non-hierarchical social context. Annette Bickford

    LOL. This passage brings back nightmares of grad. school and the propensity of some academics to use extremely obtuse theoretical jargon.

    Just for fun I put that passage into the Dada Poetry Generator. The result was almost as illuminating as the original.

  9. toronto Says:

    People need to learn how to live in harmony. We are all human beings after all and breath the same air for godness sake.

  10. MerriMay Says:

    Oh man, that doesn’t sound good. Am moving to Canada next year, thought I’d check out what experiences people of color have. Oookay, folks from this is it safe to assume that generally Canadians have issues like anywhere in the world with whites, huh?

  11. Restructure! Says:

    Yes, Canadians have issues like anywhere in the world with whites. I really like Toronto, but there is that omnipresent white-liberal subtle racism.

  12. Anonymous Says:

    human beings love animals . so why cant we love ourselves. why do we deny oursleves love yet give animals love.

  13. Anonymous Says:

    for all the racist i really pity them. cos the one you hate is the one that might even help you the most in time of need. if you are racist keep doing that ,karma is a bitch remember. all youyr grand children might turn out to be black or asian.

  14. White Toronto students in blackface win Halloween costume prize. « Restructure! Says:

    […] Canadians tolerate white racism against blacks, even in Toronto. by Restructure! […]

  15. not shocked Says:

    As a black woman living in Toronto, I can tell you that people say overtly racist things. I have had more racial slurs hurled at me on Canadian soil than when I lived in the US.
    Covertly racist / culturally derogatory remarks are said in professional settings all of the time here in Toronto. I was just at a conference with professional medical associations when one of the speakers made a comment that “scans might be sent off to be read by some guy in the Caribbean”. I was at another meeting when someone looked around the room and said “we (Jewish) are taking over, that’s great”. I was the only non-white and non-Jewish person in the room. Note, this comment was made in front of senior management and ironically, one of the manager’s units deals with equity. Did i mention that the latter remark was in a government setting among senior individuals? The take home message is that there is no consequence for making such remarks because racism does not exist in Canada. I escalated the issue and was told that “they are more sensitive about race in the US than here in Canada…’s a different culture” Nothing was done. Denial.

    I did my PhD and worked in the US for several years and I can say that such remarks would not go unnoticed. I felt more comfortable as a black woman in the US than I do here in Canada. At least they are aware that there is a problem with racism. They are more upfront and direct about it and would have dealt with my concerns and not brush me off. They don’t always get it right in the US, but there is an acknowledgment of the issue. Conversely, in Canada we tend to deny fact that we have many of the same problems in the US. We somehow fooled ourselves in to thinking that there is no racism in Canada. This results of this study are not shocking to me.

  16. Restructure! Says:

    Yeah, covert racism happens all the time, but they don’t think it’s racist, because they are referencing culture or ethnicity instead of race. But the remarks about culture/ethnicity are based on the racialization of our cultures/ethnicities.

    I’ve lived mostly in Toronto, but when you say that such remarks would not go unnoticed in the US, what do you mean? You mean covert racism would be noticed in the US?

  17. Ritu Raj Kalra Says:

    There is hatred in the minds of many White Caucasian Males especially for other coloured people. Discrimination in jobs, promotions, non-socialisation after office hours and non sharing of critical office information are an offshoot.

  18. goaler Says:

    leave then!

  19. urbia Says:

    Discrimination in mental health too. Justified paranoia about being discriminated against is ironically written down as a mental illness.

  20. urbia Says:

    An interesting article I found on mental health disparities and already shared with Restructure!:

    I thought other readers might find it enlightening too.

  21. Clayton Says:

    This article is bias and fails to prove that the students used for the experiment were actually racist. I for one, being a white male, can say that i’m not racist. In addition, does anybody here not agree that people are only concerned about caucasians being racist? Every racism article focuses on whites being racist! I’d bet that if they put 120 african americans in the same situation, nearly 100 percent would chose the black actor over the white actor, racial slur or no racial slur. Why? Because all races relate better to their own kind and share a personal bond, not because their racist. Moreover, let me tell you, there are far more racist and discriminatory races out there than the white race. Tell me, why is it that when a racist individual of colour is discrimantory towards a white individual there’ no concern? There are countless racial slurs against the white race and we are put down every day, but do you ever see an article about it? No! North America needs to wake up and understand that whites are a victim of racism as well and quit bringing down the race so much. Ps. every single individual is at least prejudice and hold stereotpical beleifs about everybody, it HUMAN FUCKING NATURE! Take any race and put them in the same situation as the white students used as ginnie pigs and you’ll end up as the same result. Then tell me, what have you accomplished?

  22. goaler Says:

    i would say at this time in canada the white race is the least racist and the most accomdating tribe!
    when a muslim or a hindu girl is frowned upon about dating outside their race its cultural!
    when a white has the same situation its now racist!
    get over it and step up for youre own problems!
    and one more thing, how come the women in the winter olympics are way hotter than their summer counterparts?
    that should get some action!

  23. White peop Says:

    The white race is the least racist? What a joke!!

    As a Canadian of Asian descent, I was told yesterday by an older white male how things are done in this country. I may be Asian, however I was born and bred in Canada. In fact, I’m married to a white person. I do not need to be told how things run in this country. To assume that I am an immigrant because of the way I look is racist. It’s sad that my mixed race baby has to grow up in a society like this.

    Beyond that, perhaps this old white man should go back to his country and not forget that at one point in time his ancestors came from elsewhere as well if he truly feels so strongly about keeping his country pure. The only person who should tell me how things should be in Canada is someone of Native decent, not some random cranky white person who thinks he’s more Canadian than me because of my skin.

  24. fred Says:

    As a Canadian of Asian descent, I was told yesterday by an older white male how things are done in this country. I may be Asian, however I was born and bred in Canada.

    Then you should have figured out how things are done already. Are you slow or something?

    In fact, I’m married to a white person.

    Asians not good enough for you? You sound kind of racist.

    It’s sad that my mixed race baby has to grow up in a society like this.

    I agree. Shame on you for having one.

    Beyond that, perhaps this old white man should go back to his country and not forget that at one point in time his ancestors came from elsewhere as well if he truly feels so strongly about keeping his country pure.

    Or maybe just kick your butt out.

  25. Restructure! Says:

    fred is an example of a typical racist and sexist white man, who interprets anything written by people of colour and women to be confirming some popular racist or sexist stereotype.

    When a woman criticizes anti-science arguments, fred interprets the anti-science argument as her own, because he believes that women are enemies of science, and that science really does prove the inferiority of women. (Racists and sexists tend to be scientifically illiterate, which is why they believe in inferior races and genders.)

    When an Asian Canadian complains of a white man whitesplaining how things are done in Canada, instead of understanding how it’s racist, he holds the same view of the white man she/he is criticizing. He believes that if a white man “explains” something to an Asian, it must be for a good reason, rather than because of her/his race. After all, the possibility that an Asian Canadian actually know how things are done in Canada is still unfathomable to him.

    It’s one thing to disagree with someone. It’s another thing to be so biased as to be impaired in reading and understanding text written by women and people of colour.

  26. fred Says:

    restructure is an example of someone who namecalls and scapegoats everyone else for her problems. Didn’t get the promotion at work? It must be mysogeny. Someone cuts her off in traffic? It was obviously racism. And who is to blame for all these things? Why the white man of course!

    And she’s collected a full dictionary of racially charged slurs to spew ie white privilege, whitesplaining, etc. If there is any difference between the slop she slings and the crap coming out of any other race hustler’s mouth I can’t find it.

    That’s why 90% of her readers post crap like this:

    “scans might be sent off to be read by some guy in the Caribbean”.


    As a Canadian of Asian descent, I was told yesterday by an older white male how things are done in this country.

    Where an innocent comment, simple disagreement or even helpful advice(!) are magically transformed into “racism”.

    Restructure engages in a very sneaky form of racism ie attacking others while pretending to take the high road. Sorry, sweetie. But you missed the high road a long time ago. You’d better ask for directions.

  27. goaler Says:

    i like fred!
    restructure is the type that agrees in a miss black america pagent, B.E.T. or black focus school.
    but would think it wrong to have a miss white america, white t.v. or all white schools.

  28. Restructure! Says:


    Oh god, you white people are boring, always making the same damn race arguments over and over again. Why there is BET but no WET.

  29. fred Says:

    thanks goaler! :)

    Also, did you notice restructure’s response actually proved your point? Reading her blog is like watching the coyote chase the road runner. LOL!

  30. goaler Says:

    fred makes u wet

  31. goaler Says:

    restructure that is fred!

  32. Restructure! Says:


    And she’s collected a full dictionary of racially charged slurs to spew ie white privilege, whitesplaining, etc.

    OK, today I’m going to assume you’re actually ignorant instead of maliciously trolling. White privilege is not some kind of anti-white slur. Please read this.

  33. fred Says:


    He just regurgitated the same tired, old cliche’s about renting apartments and being followed in department stores. Who are you trying to kid? Apartment owners and department stores are in business to make money. That’s ALL they care about. If tenants or customers are treated differently it’s because experience has shown it necessary.

    Case in point, when I was in school I worked a really busy restaurant in a mixed, mostly black area. All the blacks were in the kitchen and the whites and asians were on the floor. I asked the BLACK manager why. She said and I quote, “Cuz niggas can’t get along.” I knew there were a lot of black troublemakers because I’d grown up around them. But I was shocked that she was so blunt about it.

    She said, “Grow up, son. You know it’s true. Black customers are a pain the ass. When I put black workers on the floor waiting tables they run their mouth back and I have to spend all night long refereeing squabbles. When I put whites on the floor you ignore it and everyone is happy. If you want to work in the kitchen I’ll put you in the kitchen. But I can’t put blacks on the floor. I just can’t run a restaurant that way.”

  34. Da Silva,, Says:


  35. Da Silva,, Says:



  36. goaler Says:

    especially non-whites

  37. Canmeezer Says:

    The omnipresent white-liberal subtle racism is definitely here at the moment. But the cranky old white men won’t be around much longer, and more non-white immigrants come to Canada every year. So perhaps that’s really why the old white men are so cranky — the joke’s on them, actually.

  38. fred Says:


    Just think, if enough “non-white immigrants come to Canada” it will be just as crappy as the countries they’re trying to get away from. You should realize, however, that even in majority non white countries like Mexico and Brazil the minority whites still have a high standard of living whereas the blacks and amerindians live in slums. So more non white immigration really just lowers your own standard of living.

  39. Latin grad st Says:

    After Caribana I sympathize with the white and asian students who partook in the study.
    I am pretty sure that most of you are just trying to be politically correct.
    Last night, while on the bus, a white mother with a crying baby asked 3 black girls to please lower their loud music, of course, the girls went on a rampage about how they do what they want becuase they are black and no one can tell them what do to especially white ‘bitches’. I would be surprised and most likely would have not done this posting. But this happens way too many times.
    I am tired of people, from all backgrounds, being afraid of blacks. Why do we have to be afraid of them? Even on a bus? I am afraid they will pick a fight with me for no reason.
    I will most likely be part of the statistic and I am not ashamed of it.

  40. The Lobbyist Says:

    Fred, How about you take your “superior” white family and GTFO out of Canada and head back to Europe? It’s funny how you think you have the right to tell other minorities to leave this country when you aren’t indigenous to it either. 700 years ago, your ancestor was the village idiot somewhere in the backwoods of Scotland.

    I’ve had the pleasure of speaking with many of Metis people, you know the people who are truly indigenous to Canada, and they have suffered some of the most racism in Alberta. Funny how people are being treated as second-class citizens in their homeland.

  41. fred Says:

    The Lobbyist-

    1- I never told anyone to leave Canada. I said that if enough “non-white immigrants come to Canada” it will be just as crappy as the countries they’re trying to get away from. And that’s true. There is no such thing as 3rd world countries, only 3rd world people. If enough 3rd world people migrate to Canada then it will become 3rd world. Then where are you going to go?

    2- I find your “native” argument interesting. Do you have native ancestry? I doubt it. Did your family migrate to help those poor “injuns” out? Hell no. You’re just using it to take a cheap shot at someone else. By the way, my grandfather lived on a reservation you f’ing hypocrite.

    3- Everything you said was either wrong or stupid. Except the part about me being superior to you.

  42. Jayn Says:

    Fred–Because we all know that lack of infrastructure, legal protections, and having a history (and present) of being exploited by more developed countries has nothing to do with why those countries are the way they are. Nope, it’s entirely because of those dirty people.

  43. fred Says:


    There is usually a reason why countries have a “history of being exploited”. It’s because they weren’t very advanced in the first place. On the other hand, “being exploited” is generally how most countries developed their infrastructure.

    Since you’re a Monty Python fan I’m sure you’ll appreciate this humourous look at a serious issue.

  44. Jayn Says:

    Fred: Oh, so that makes it okay then :/

  45. fred Says:


    I wasn’t making a moral judgement. I was simply stating a fact. It’s interesting to note, however, that most of this so-called “exploitation” is a helluva lot less abusive than the treatment many receive from their own “leaders”. So I think a little perspective is in order.

  46. Jayn Says:

    Okay, your meaning escaped me at first. I’ll admit that–it just sunk in a few minutes ago. Still, I wonder how much of that ‘infrastructure’ actually helps those in the countries affected, and how much of it helps those on top keep the rest of the population down. (I honestly don’t know, just a food-for-thought question)

    I find your ‘perspective’ interesting. Being a slave for a nicer master doesn’t make a person any less of a slave. Plus, the fact that the western world tends to meddle in the cultures and governments of these countries is something I’m not comfortable with. It’s one thing to help them grow–it’s another to impose new ways onto these people, which is often what happens.

    (I’d make a comment about treating them the way we’d treat our own people, but I’m not that delusional–our own history is pretty messy, especially when it comes to how those with money treat those without.)

  47. fred Says:

    Jayn writes, Still, I wonder how much of that ‘infrastructure’ actually helps those in the countries affected, and how much of it helps those on top keep the rest of the population down.

    I don’t think the ‘infrastructure’ is there to keep anyone “down”. It’s there to help turn a profit. Same as everywhere else.

    Jayn writes, Being a slave for a nicer master doesn’t make a person any less of a slave. Plus, the fact that the western world tends to meddle in the cultures and governments of these countries is something I’m not comfortable with.

    I don’t disagree with that. But someone has to be in charge. So why not the “nice” master who can keep things running rather than a tyrannical sonuvabitch who’s going to rape, murder and starve everyone? In other words, why not an Ian Smith rather than a Mugabe? By the way, I’m not recommended “meddling”. I tend towards isolationism.

    I’d make a comment about treating them the way we’d treat our own people, but I’m not that delusional–our own history is pretty messy, especially when it comes to how those with money treat those without.

    True enough. On the other hand, we often treat others better than they treat themselves. And that’s a fact. Although someone with an axe to grind will no doubt pop up with their “laundry list” of grievances. Just out of curiosity… do you ever question the motives of those who carry around a laundry list of grievances?

  48. Anonymous Says:

    just noticed a post of the best 20 cities in the world to live!
    humm they are all white majority!
    the whiter the higher the ranking!
    The more minorities that invade a town, the more it deteorates.
    Plan and simple, keep out the packies, orientals and most of all the blacks and you are in good shape.
    prove me wrong restructure.

  49. Anonymous Says:

    tribal rankings -just a view
    1- white race- tech superior, best leaders, best looking, gives the most.
    2-indian race- good humour, beautiful ladies, lazy men
    3-orientals- very educated, sleazy fucks, the weakest strength, most racist
    4- natives- ripping of the cdn gov. payback after being ripped off!
    5-blacks-strong and intimidating, but no one likes them, except whites,women are generally hard to look at! some exceptions.
    thats just my views only!

  50. Dwayne Mayor Says:

    I’d put the natives at the bottom, anon, as they have no compensating qualities. The Negroes have excellent athletic ability, more often than not, musical talent, and the men are popular with non-black women due to their sexual prowess, “swag” and muscular physiques.

    Indians smell like pure shit, and the majority of their women are not attractive whatsoever. I agree with you about the Orientals and whites.

  51. Restructure! Says:

    Who are you people, and how did you find my blog?

    Edit: Except for “Anonymous”, who is probably goaler.

  52. Dwayne Mayor Says:

    “True enough. On the other hand, we often treat others better than they treat themselves. And that’s a fact. Although someone with an axe to grind will no doubt pop up with their “laundry list” of grievances.”

    I disagree. The Negro was far, far better off before European colonialism. You can argue the merits of urban civilization over tribal communal life, or vice versa, but one cannot deny that Africa would much better position absent centuries of brutality, racial oppression, and degradation. Africa would then have been ripe for industrialization and the transition from an agrarian, tribal community to an industrial economy.

    That post-colonial African leaders have been no better than colonial European masters for the average Negro African, isn’t saying much.

  53. A Reader Says:

    Wow ! There are many opinions here about race. But no one is qualified (no man) to make such opinions about ones race, religion, etc. I respect the opinions but in the end that is all they are, opinions. Man was created diverse. Yet man despises the diversity created. Every single race has it good as well as its bad. I am a nurse and I see just as many white kids that are deeply sad/depressed over life circumstances and hurt as I do children from any other culture.

    There are no superiors/inferiors. There is just LIFE. There are millions that thought they were “superior” that have had most terrible things happen in their lives and there are those that were thought of to be “inferior” that have had the most incredible things happen in their lives.

    A white woman diagnosed with cancer will feel the same pain as an ethic woman with the same diagnosis. Is she superior then?
    A white man that has lost his entire family due to a drunk driver will feel the same pain as any other individual in the same situation. Is he superior then?

    Be careful of this superior (and inferior) projection because it means that you cannot feel any pain, you do not cry, or cannot be hurt, and what happens to everyone else cannot happen to you (oh, superior one) when that is far from the truth. You is no superior/inferior, you are human. Pain/hardship is “most” challenging to the individuals that forget that s/he is a part of the human race.

    What I have read is “Human Nature” but it is the lowest form of it. We are to be diverse. Man is to be White/Asian/Black/Indian/Spanish. There are and always will be diverse cultures in this world. Every colour and creed has a right to be and “will be”. The argument/fight over is what this (superior, etc) or that or the better this or the better that is an argument/fight fit for the ignorant. We are to be diverse. What is sad is that blood has been shed from all sides over the above thoughts. A lot of blood at that. This matter is a losing battle. Man wants to control something that he cannot.

  54. Wow Says:

    Thanks! We were moving to Canada but never mind!

  55. Anonymous Says:


  56. Anonymous Says:

    Toronto is incredibly racist. I am white, parents were never religious but were raised catholic.
    Yet I have been attacked on the street many times for no reason. Ive had dirty old men yell out things such as “dirty jew this, that etc….”terrorist..get out of my country “etc… was an Indian(south east asian) and another a Persian (neither of which are considered “white”)
    These two old farts are exusable though, as they have probably faced alot of racism in their lives and were just venting, on behalf of there own unhappiness….
    The “white”(if there even is such a thing) guys that have harassed me have always been drunks, homeless, mentrally ill,,or a combination of all three.
    This “Fred” on this board is likely not white as he tries to convince himself…more like one of the “types” I mentioned above.
    If he in fact IS white, then he is most likely an ugly old nose up his own dirty arse, type. Dont get aggravated people, hes mentally sick, and in his own mind, is trying to be the right in every circumstance…its obvious in all of his postings…maybe try a little jog around the block ehhhhhhhhhhhh Fred, instead of trolling on boards such as these, you dirty PIG

  57. fred Says:

    The “white”(if there even is such a thing) guys that have harassed me have always been drunks, homeless, mentrally ill,,or a combination of all three.

    They’re obviously not getting their share of the “privilege”.

  58. durp Says:

    Go back to Stormfront, Fred.

  59. fred Says:

    That was a good one, durp.

  60. zazo Says:

    You should come to Queen Street East to the Beaches. A white area and if you are other you are made to feel lower. White snobs like I have never seen before and they call themselves real Canadians.

    Their noses are so stuck up, they should lower them so they can smell their own shit.

  61. Abe Jackson Says:

    I’m mixed with a background of white/asian/native. I’ve lived in Toronto all my life and I’d say there are a lot of white people in Toronto who are racists – not all the white people but just enough to keep the people in Toronto separated.
    Many people would disagree because their primary focus in every day life is to keep up with being politically correct and hide their true feelings. This goes for young people as well as old people. Being young doesn’t mean to qualify for being non-racist.

    Instead of integration we have fragmentation in this city. Maybe as a country too – if you’ve been to Quebec. Of course, no one would admit that s/he is a racist but often if you look at how people of other races are treated by white, you see what the reality is. And if you don’t speak much English, it is even worse. But keep in mind that this country and the city of Toronto is built upon immigration. Something like 51% of the GTA is of non-white race.

    Still, this is my belief about the problem in the city and if someone has different idea or observation on this, I’d be happy to listen.

  62. Abe Jackson Says:

    Fuck Fred.

  63. AfroCan Says:

    Abe Jackson Says:
    November 19, 2010 at 10:51 am

    Fuck Fred.



    This blog tag is over a year old, and Fred is still spewing
    White supremacist shxt all over the place!

    He obviously has inexhaustible resources of it!

  64. africanblackmilitant Says:

    This article is one of the main reasons why I don’t have any time for those white people who say “They don’t have racist bone in their body”

    I will freely admit.

    Sometimes I really hate the very thought of being around white people.

    The way they behave.
    The way they think.
    The way they portray themselves in every form of media.

    It’s disgusting. It’s like white people were born evil. It’s not just one extreme leader (like Hitler) who managed to portray certain beliefs upon the weak minded.

    White evil is CONSISTENT

    In the past, all races had a little bit of evil in them. Some would treat their women bad. Some would develop this superiority complex. Hell, some would even enslave their own kind. But not only did white people do all of the above but they also enslaved EVERYONE (not JUST their own kind) and oppressed everyone who wasn’t like them. They did it to Jews. They did it to anyone with tanned skin (Indians, native Americans, Blacks, Asians, Hispanics, etc…) and they did it to themselves.

    Whites will never admit this. It’s embedded in their bone marrow to justify their wrong doing. Colleges, Buckingham Palace, The White House, Banks, Offices, News, Recreations, Companies, Houses, Land and Currency is all blood money. 70-80% of whites inherit blood money from their forefathers if they know it or not. Whites are also similar to dogs. (Ironic that they love dogs) If you fight with a vicious dog, the dog will attack! But if you’re patient,calm, and non-violent with the dog. The dog will eventually obey and listen. Thats what many blacks had to do, or we wouldn’t be this far.

    Not only that but they stole….EVERYTHING.

    Every simple invention. paper. calculator, gunpowder. stringed instruments, brick-making. drums. preserving. medicines. fabrics, mining, irrigation

    Basically EVERYTHING that made them prosperous. Look it up. Seriously, they take something they see another race do, make some improvements, and claim it as their own. They’ve done it for years and they continue to do so today. And it’s sick.

    The bible describes major characters as people of color. Hair of wool. Feet of copper. The whole stuff takes place in Africa and places in Europe such as Palestine and Israel. The places that have nothing BUT people of color. But look at the portraits.

    WHITE Jesus with long blonde hair.
    WHITE God.
    WHITE Moses.
    Shakespeare = The greatest poet of all time
    Einstein = Most intelligent man of all time
    Isaac Newton = Greatest scientist of all time
    Mozart and Beethoven = Greatest musicians of all time
    Columbus = Greatest explorer of all time
    Da Vinci = Greatest painter of all time
    Dickens = Greatest author of all time
    Napoleon = Greatest warrior of all time

    White people take everything.

    Do they have to take EVERYTHING ?

    White people take the cake simply because after ALL of the things that these monsters have done to everyone, they are still deemed the hero’s of time.

    The MOST successful race.
    The MOST beautiful.
    The MOST powerful.
    The MOST intelligent.
    The MOST civilised.

    It’s despicable !!

    Not once has the white race as a whole had to pay for its sins. NOT ONCE !! The whole world has never turned against white people. The last thing I’d wish is to be white. But it just annoys the hell out of me up how white people haven’t received their just desserts. Punishment for the oppression they’ve had others face. That is what burns me up.

  65. Restructure! Says:

    If you are really an African black militant, why haven’t you read Malcolm X, and why do you make up Malcolm X quotes saying that he wanted all white people dead?

    I am going to place you under moderation.

  66. AfroCan Says:

    africanblackmilitant Says:
    November 22, 2010 at 9:06 am

    This article is one of the main reasons why I don’t have any time for those white people who say “They don’t have racist bone in their body”



    I hear all of your anger and understand many of the comments you made, especially your criticism of Eurocentricism, its controlling iconography and master narratives that you list—White Jesus, White God, etc.

    But you must be mindful that you aren’t trading in one oppression for another with the espousal of Black supremacist rhetoric.

    For instance, about ten years ago, I have flirted with Black Muslims, going to meetings/reading their literature, etc. and much to my horror I found that many uncritically embraced patriarchy/ female domination and heterosexism/ homophobia as the “ideal model” in organizing and uplifting their community.

    Why is controlling women and/or oppressing Gays posited as the strategy for uplifting and strengthening a group..?

    also, I don’t think a big reversal of power, where “Black folks rule”, is going to happen anytime soon. As you probably know, as a racial group have many unresolved internal issues—-It doesn’t help our oppressed situation when we have so many status quo / sellouts like hardcore Conservative Micheal Thompson “representing” the Black community in public office.

    He sure doesn’t represent my politics!

    So its best to educate oneself by reading the critical Anti-racist works and having some faith in building alliances with other oppressed groups.

    Be conscious of mobilizing “Black supremacist” rhetoric…It is really counter productive to Anti-racist struggle.

  67. fred Says:


    You just don’t like africanblackmilitant because he’s keeping it real. You’re just trying to keep a black man down.


    Fuck Fred.



    Yeah. Fuck Fred!

  68. fred Says:

    Oh, wait! You were talking about me weren’t you? Well, that’s not nice.

  69. canada please Says:

    O please!!! Give me a break woman, im an asian american woman who has lived in both Canada(Calgary) and in USA (Chicago)! Canadians are so much nicer to people of color then americans. When I lived in Chicago, being asian was hard esp. since there arent many asians here, your either white or black, in Canada there more asians so maybe i feel at home. Anyway more racist slurs have been hurled at me in chicago then in Canada. Please lady, come to america one more time and you will miss canada!! Americans are by far more more racist!!! Hey, we should switch cities, if you come to chicago, you will feel right at home, there’s more of you!!! lol hahahaha
    -azn queen

  70. fred Says:

    canada please writes, I lived in Chicago, being asian was hard esp. since there arent many asians here, your either white or black, in Canada there more asians so maybe i feel at home.

    You prefer living around others like you? That’s racist!

  71. Malaysian chinese Says:

    Discrimination & prejudice existed within same race too. People get discriminated on essence, slang, nationality, dialects, class.
    That’s life. Just have to learn how to tolerate each other in the ever shrinking planet earth.
    Overall I still think that Canada is alright as compared to places in Russia like Moscow, St Petersburg. There are so many skinheads, nationalists there who would cause physical harm instead of just verbal slurs to non-slav people.

  72. Malaysian chinese Says:

    essence should be spelled as accent. sorry my bad.

  73. mr ho Says:

    on the real… it is simply racist to believe that the Canadian norm is white and heterosexual. Most white and heterosexual people, are totally cool people. BUT and this is the huge BUTT, lol, is that the norm in Canada, and its government, according to our nation myth, is white, male, and hetero.

    Just think about the great myth of hockey…. just things to chew on. hmmm. Imagine honestly about how you think about Canada. For one, when I refer to someone who is Canadian, I mean Euro. But U actually address black as black… not Canadian.

    Why would I do that? What is it about the Canadian myth that compels me to see things that way.

  74. Maria Says:

    I haven’t read all the comments but I find this study quite interesting.

    This is what i think (and I’m making HUGE generalizations here). York is an incredibly diverse campus. The majority of students at York are commuters (they are from the Greater Toronto Area and commute to university), the small minority that do live on campus are either internationals, from out of province or from smaller towns in Ontario (again, of course there are students from Toronto that choose to live in rez, but they are the minority).

    This being the case, since most students attending York are coming from the immediate area (GTA) and the immediate area is made up of people of various ethnicities, the “whites” that were used for this study MAY have been students that grew up outside of Toronto. (Because in my experience, most “white” students at York — unless they’re Italian– are from out of town). And if they grew up outside of Toronto in smaller towns (anything smaller than Toronto is considered a small town in Canada), then their reaction to racism (coming from a homogeneous population) will be much different to whites that grew up in the GTA and most likely have friends of various backgrounds and have learned to handle (or not handle) racism.

    So ya, that’s just my opinion. Feel free to agree or disagree.

  75. Lulu Says:

    The folks in Toronto are a great bunch.

    I do not think the are racist at all. What is an issue is the lack of awareness of their culture of distrust, especially, toward people they are not acquainted with; women in particular can treat you like an escaped convict probably because there is an instilled cultural fear of crime in Toronto hence they fear the unfamiliar.

    What I find strange as well is that blacks and especially blacks from the Caribbean integrate well and have lots of white acquaintances, however, other ethnicities from the Caribbean are given less welcome in social circles; this may be due to American/Canadian popular culture.

    I have always thought of the way some people behaved on the TTC, especially from 2000 and backwards, in terms of how they (drivers, passengers) interact with people who are not familiar with the system and TTC mannerisms. In all probability these people who were new to the system would have been immigrants and would have been rewarded with unwarranted rude behaviour just for being unfamiliar with the norm.

    In summary while there might not be racism there is plenty of cultural behaviours which can be perceived as prejudice.

  76. Maria Rusito Says:

    Wow there are a lot of interesting views here… Obviously the extreme racial comments that Fred is posting doesn’t really count. for me..I’ve been in Toronto for 25 years and seen the lows and high the ebb and flow .. but racism in Toronto is a bit more complex when it comes to the black people living here.. I’m from Guyanese decent father black and mother Indian with a dark brown complexion so most of the time I was considered one thing only by society .. BLACK…..The first thing I need to point out that Toronto is based on British class system.. where money education living condition living area,profession all come into play of social classification.The British settlers have been here for 200 odd years.. The queen of England is on the 20 dollar bill that alone should say a lot. British people are by nature or reputation are thought of being arrogant snobby and upper class because of their direct correlation to the Monarchy in England..Now guys and gals all this comes into play on the topic of black racism in Canada/Toronto..Black folks need to realize something all of whats going on here in the city makes a lot of sense.The majority of blacks moved here from the Island or Africa for a better life.
    But what happened…??… Shootings ..killings drugs..banks scams..Boxing day shooting and killing of an innocent blond white girl which if you’d ask me is THE STRAW THAT BROKE THE CAMELS BACK for sure.Are All black people bad NO!!! However the few were enough to dent and shatter the black social reputation…Remember THE YEAR OF THE GUN?…wow.
    The black people now have a negative reputation attached to their name the only way to fix that is to avoid the above mentioned points and rectify the situation..Also Toronto does not have a planned black community like mostly f the other cultured have.. Wood bridge is Italian.. Brampton is East Indian ..Markham is Chinese. York region Persian/Korean/Chinese… Where are the blacks?Jane and Finch … Eglinton West???… Housing projects.. Low income housing…???…
    Now.. Does that deserve really social and ethnic respect?Or is this now racism towards blacks??…
    There will be much more that I’ll post but for no this is good enough o,k..
    Just to comments on one more thing..
    Are all white women attractive?? HELL NO!!!!!! mathematically if you are majority in a country of course there will be more attractive whites then blacks..70 percent white to 8 percent blacks
    I find Beyonce Kelly Rowland Karren Alexander very easy to look at..
    So if anybody in here thinks that white people are the only attractive people in the city that’s is complete none sense..

    Any body who has a constructive reply please feel to respond..
    I’m not a racist and do not discriminate.. and guess what life is so much better with love and peace..
    I have friends of every race and ethnic background and I will bet that the number of non racial people in Toronto with outnumber the racial people in Toronto by 10 times..
    Lets do this.. all of us work at it … will it ever be perfect ??.. No… but we can get close..

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