Blondes are sexier, because all children are white?

Two sociologists argue that blonde women are inherently more attractive than non-blonde women, because blonde hair is a biological marker of youth. The book is called Why Beautiful People Have More Daughters by Alan S. Miller and Satoshi Kanazawa, and an excerpt was featured in a Psychology Today article in 2007. Here is part of the excerpt:

Blond hair is unique in that it changes dramatically with age. Typically, young girls with light blond hair become women with brown hair. Thus, men who prefer to mate with blond women are unconsciously attempting to mate with younger (and hence, on average, healthier and more fecund) women.

Light-coloured hair among children is a characteristic of Europeans, and is not universal. Babies of Asian and African descent almost always have black hair.

It is no coincidence that blond hair evolved in Scandinavia and northern Europe, probably as an alternative means for women to advertise their youth, as their bodies were concealed under heavy clothing.

Since light-coloured hair among youth is not universal among humans, the argument that heterosexual male humans are attracted to blondes because of genetics is absurd. Have Asian and African men evolved to prefer blondes as well? How would this occur, if blond hair was a rather late mutation in human evolution, confined to Northern Europe? Light-coloured hair in non-Caucasian Asian and African populations before contact with Northern European genes were markers of albinism.

However, perhaps the authors were not making this argument, and were merely arguing that contemporary males find blonde females more attractive because blonde hair is still correlated with youth, among Caucasians. That is, perhaps contemporary heterosexual males see or meet a large sample of Caucasians throughout their lives, and unconsciously extrapolate the correlation between blonde hair and youth. Perhaps the blonde-youth correlation is a result of exposure to Caucasians, rather than hard-wired. This interpretation is more reasonable, given that the authors were trained in sociology rather than biology.

Unfortunately, the full title of the book is Why Beautiful People Have More Daughters: From Dating, Shopping, and Praying to Going to War and Becoming a Billionaire– Two Evolutionary Psychologists Explain Why We Do What We Do and is an evolutionary psychology book.

17 Responses to “Blondes are sexier, because all children are white?”

  1. mathilda37 Says:

    Interesting. Blond hair in Aborigines is a mostly childhood trait too. I think men like it beacuse it just looks prettier though. It stands out in a crowd. And women generally are a shade lighter than men, so maybe it looks more feminine.

    You wouldn’t believe the arguments I’ve had with Afrocentrics who firmly believe blond hair evolved in Africa. Oi.

  2. lifeisannoying Says:

    there are people in papua new guinea who have blond and red hair and very deep shades of skin, it peculiar to me, but each to their own.
    As for this sexy blond thing, it’s the media and fashionista’s. it was blondes, now it’s latina’s next decade something else.

  3. Restructure! Says:

    I suppose a more accurate title would be “Blondes are sexier, because there are no black-haired children?”

  4. Ike Says:

    Most of my acquaintances who went from blonde to brunette did so at a very young age. They had brown hair by the time they were finished with puberty. Surely the author is not arguing that people are genetically inclined to mate with children?

  5. YASPY Chick Says:

    Actually, there are many Asian kids born with brown hair which then becomes black. My friend’s little brother had brown hair until he was 7 or 8 years old and both of them are full Chinese. All that’s left of the browness are his highlights which show up in the sun.

  6. Restructure! Says:

    Hmm, I wonder what percentage of Asians are born with black hair versus brown. I was born with a head of black hair.

  7. Aminah Says:

    lol….Don’t blondes have black roots?

  8. Othello Cat Says:

    If it is true that men are biologically programed to look for the physical indicators of fertility (and that is questionable) then it would be arguable that they would actually eschew blonde hair. Caucasian women who are born blonde usually find that their hair darkens at puberty due to the presence of eostrogen. Eostrogen is responsible for other secondary sexual characteristics that provide visual indicators that a human female is now pregnable such as the development of breasts, body hair and broadening hips. Eostrogen is also responsible for ovulation.

    IOW, if — and only IF — heterosexual men are driven by visual cues to indicate fertility, then DARKENING hair would be the attractor.

    The biggest refutation is that if there really is some kind of universal male attraction to youthful blondeness, it fails to explain the fecundity of the non-Caucasian persons of this planet.

    Truth is, blonde hair in this day and age has been MARKETED as “beautiful” because it is the most expensive (and profitable) hair colour to maintain.

  9. Evolutionary psychologists invent narratives based on faulty assumptions. « Restructure! Says:

    […] Blondes are sexier, because all children are white? by Restructure! […]

  10. Evolutionary psychology arguments support white supremacy. « Restructure! Says:

    […] thinly-veiled justifications for white supremacist ideology. For example, evolutionary psychologist Satoshi Kanazawa argues that it is natural and biological for men to prefer blonde (white) women, because blonde hair signals youth, health, and fecundity. (He also uses evolutionary psychology to […]

  11. mchelle09 Says:

    “…. I think men like it because it just looks prettier though…”

    Pretty according to whom’s standard???????

    “You wouldn’t believe the arguments I’ve had with Afrocentrics who firmly believe blond hair evolved in Africa. Oi.”

    I don’t know about others but I definitely would believe that they were nothing but argumentative with you considering your proven inclination towards positing personal opinions as facts. What proof have you, that blond hair did not first appear in Africa? And tell me, how does believing that blond hair originated in Africa first, confer one the honor of being called an “Afrocentric”?

  12. mchelle09 Says:

    “there are people in papua new guinea who have blond and red hair and very deep shades of skin, it peculiar to me, but each to their own.”

    This is one of the reasons why those darn “Afrocentrics” question the THEORY that the origin of blond hair is tied to N. Europeans.
    If papua new guineans and other “melanesian” or “austronesian” folk who were virtually isolated from European influence ( throughout human evolution) can have those traits without a necessary recent common European ancestor, then the idea that Europe was not the birthplace of blond hair is feasible at the least.

    Blue eyes certainly did not arise in Scandinavia either…Researchers have been able to track that gene all the way to southeastern europe. Think Turkey, Serbia, and Croatia….

  13. Lady Lovelace was the first computer programmer. « Restructure! Says:

    […] Blondes are sexier, because all children are white? by Restructure! […]

  14. Evolutionary Psychology Bingo Card « Restructure! Says:

    […] Blondes are sexier, because all children are white? by Restructure! […]

  15. Sarah Says:

    Well if this isn’t the most stupid piece of junk I have ever read…

    Not only are all children white, but it is totally ok for men to want to mate with prepubescent girls (adolescence is when hair color changes). As is pedophilia isn’t a big enough problem. How disgusting!

    Also, Evolutionary Biology is NOT science. It is a system of poorly organized stylized facts with little or no hard physical evidence created by bored half-witted middle-aged men.

    Exhibit A: Richard Dawkins
    Exhibit B: These morons

    Btw, has anyone noticed how evolutionary biology always supports the status quo, and basically says sexism is natural and good?

  16. MLM Says:

    Also, Evolutionary Biology is NOT science. It is a system of poorly organized stylized facts with little or no hard physical evidence created by bored half-witted middle-aged men.

    Exhibit A: Richard Dawkins
    Exhibit B: These morons

    Btw, has anyone noticed how evolutionary biology always supports the status quo, and basically says sexism is natural and good?


    Yuppers! I truly don’t understand why legitimate scientists don’t call out this kind of sloppy fake science as wrothless. But books keep coming out to support these dubious claims year after year. I am surprised also how easily people keep spouting this stuff as if it were really true–as if it was already proved true.

  17. urbia Says:

    ^ Yeah, totally.

    I’ll acknowledge sexual dimorphism in most mammals, but some human cultures take things to the extreme. I mean, even a female tiger is still a tiger. It fights, hunts, and rips things apart. Human females are treated like glass or dolls, and people go to great lengths to explain away their instincts and intelligence. It’s ridiculous.

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